Monday, May 9, 2011

Night at the Ballpark: NY Yankees vs. Rangers

Nick bought us GREAT seats last minute on StubHub for a Friday's Rangers game. He was watching ticket prices all day and waited until 4:50pm when the prices dropped more then 1/2 off to buy ours so we could get a great deal. FYI: they stop selling on stubhuh two hours before the game or event so he bought them in the last 15 minutes before it shut down. Love the rush!!

I have a fear of sitting too high and I think Guy & Vince will stumble over the edge, so Nick knows we have to sit on the lower level. Thanks Babe for getting us some awesome seats!

Spontaneously we got ready in 30 minutes (showered, changed clothes, packed snacks & drinks and got the diaper bag ready) then headed out the door to pick up Nick at work in Southlake.

We got to the game just as they were throwing the first pitch. This was our first Yankees game so we were very excited, and as we were walking in an employee told us there were fireworks to follow. Yay...Bonus!! I love fireworks at the Ballpark.

Guy was so excited to be there. He has wanted to go back to a baseball game since last August when we went with Aunt Liz & Uncle Clint.

We found out that my Vince loves him some peanuts. He ate half the container at the game and then finished the rest off at home in a couple of days. I just love his faces. Makes my heart melt.

Posing with my Guy, then Nick said he made a silly face so we tried another....

Guy looks great but I was a little distracted since a foul ball was coming our way. Fun times!

Some ladies that worked for the Rangers gave Guy and Vince a balloon hat and dog. Vince loved his doggie and Guy enjoyed letting us wear his hat since it didn't fit him.

The Rangers lost but that's okay because we finished off the night with the Firework show to music. It's the best firework show I've ever been too! Oh yeah the kids loved it too!

The weather was perfect and we can't wait to go back!!!

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